Where did you fail so far this year? How can you learn from your missteps?
What are the most noteworthy moments and great memories from the last six months?
Make a list of people you are grateful for
Name a time you didn’t get what you wanted. How did it turn out in the end?
What are things you are dwelling on from the past? How can you release them?
When is the last time you asked for help?
What makes you give up or get sidetracked on goals?
How do you learn? Are you a visual, auditory, experiential, or other type of learner? What sources do you learn from?
What has been weighing on you? What would take a weight off your shoulders?
Making a ton of small decisions every day drains our energy and focus and makes it harder to make the decisions that really count. What small decisions are you making on a daily basis that you could replace through routine and habit?
How has your relationship with your father formed who you are today?
Have you ever burnt out? If you have, what were the warning signs? If you haven’t, what do you thing warning signs might be? For both, what changes have you or could you put in place to prevent it from happening in the future?