May 2, 2023

Do you like what you do?

Hello friends,

Take 5-15 minutes and write about

Do you like what you do?

I love my day to day. Living on one income is definitely financially challenging, but overwhelmingly, I am so grateful for what my days look like. Yesterday, I had quite an RA flair up. While I wrote more for my email than I have in the past few days, writing was physically painful. I couldn’t fully close my right hand, which makes holding a pen pretty impossible and typing was equally challenging. I had planned to get a lot done yesterday and by the evening, I had a lot more mobility and got a lot of what I wanted to finished, but the day looked very different than I was expecting it to. I kept reflecting on how if I had a 9-5 job, especially one that was on-site, I would have had to call out. And while few days are quite as bad as yesterday, when I feel my best is highly variable.

I’m still learning about freelancing and how to supplement our income and also looking out for a remote work opportunity that really fits my passions and my needs, but despite all the challenges that RA has caused in my life, my mental health has never been better. I am happier every day than I ever have been before. The work that I do take on is more meaningful to me. I have made more art this year than I have in the past 5 or so combined.

I hope that you like what you do. I hope that even if you can’t say you like what you do as a whole, that there are parts that feel joyful and meaningful to you.

Your friend,