January 15, 2024

Make a list of your recent small wins

Hello friends,

I’m exhausted, because I spent all day cleaning and tidying. So much of me wanted to skip sending out today’s prompt, but I’m really proud of myself for sitting down and writing it anyway, and it turns out that I feel pretty revitalized (while still ready to go to bed early) after taking stock of my recent wins and my progress.

While having large guiding goals is super important to keeping your path on the correct trajectory, it can distract us from celebrating the small wins that not only make up the steps on the path to our overarching goal, but actually sustain us on our way. 

So today I want to take a moment to mindfully reflect on the progress we've been making. It's day 15 of my daily writing prompts and whether you've written every day or intermittently or joined this project yesterday, you've probably written more than you have in the recent past. 

Set a timer for 5-15 minutes and free write: 

Make a list of your recent small wins

1. Cleaning the house today

2. Journaling every day of January so far

3. Getting better at asking for help when I need it

4. Unpacking more boxes and moving more furniture, especially getting the bedroom set up well

5. Managing my allergies better

7. Scheduling several doctors appointments

8. Staying on top of my one line a day

9. Really getting better at mindfulness

10. Working on revisiting and revising our budget and sticking to it successfully

I hope that celebrating at least 5 recent small wins will leave you feeling energized, excited about your goals, and ready to head into next week. I'm proud of myself for this daily newsletter and I'm so proud of and grateful to you for joining me in this project.

Your friend,