February 7, 2024

Who believed in you first? What did their belief mean to you?

Hello friends,

When I was in 9th or 10th grade, my creative writing teacher wrote at the bottom of my year-end portfolio something along the lines of "these stories and poems are really strong. Have you considered writing professionally?" She inspired me not just to consider myself a writer, but to consider myself an artist, two identities that are pretty foundational to how I now view myself.

I’m actually writing today from Kansas City, where I am attending the Association of Writers & Writing Programs conference.

Her comments and belief in me gave me the permission to believe in myself. It has also motivated me in life in general to not hold back compliments and to tell people what their work means to me. You never know when something that you say to someone will motivated them and empower them. (It has also made me more careful of expressing negative opinions and doubts. Your lack of confidence in someone can also undermine their sense of possibility, especially at a very young age.)

The impact that my teachers have had on me is something I try to carry forward when I’m teaching. One of the things I learned when I started teaching writing was that most of my students needed permission more than anything else. Sure, they could definitely learn more about the craft of forming a good argument and structuring an essay, but my students fear of writing was disproportionate to their actual skill. Most of my teaching consisted of helping people get curious, recognizing what they were genuinely interested in, the permission to write really terrible shitty drafts, and the belief in their potential.

Take 5-15 minutes and write about

Who believed in you first? What did their belief mean to you?

One of the most satisfying experiences for me is seeing someone move from doubt to confidence in their writing and themselves. It is also part of what motivates me to share these prompts. Writing daily has helped give me more confidence in my ability to develop a consistent creative writing practice. I hope that these prompts, whether you chose to actually write or just reflect on them, help you move towards confidence in yourself.

Your friend,