August 1, 2023

What are you looking forward to most in the upcoming month?

Hello friends,

Wow, I can’t believe it is already August.

Take 5-15 minutes and write about

What are you looking forward to most in the upcoming month?

My August is starting off with something I’ve been looking forward to: today my godmother’s son is arriving to stay with us for about a week. I’m looking forward to showing him what I love about this city.

I’m also looking forward to working more on Second Draft Press, a small press that my friend Rabha and I started in college. Throughout grad school, we hosted readings and writing workshops, but during and after the pandemic, I haven’t been able to prioritize it. Rabha and I have decided though to re-up our efforts on that front and are beginning by participating in the Sealey Challenge to read (and share) a book of poetry each day in august. I’m excited about reading more, especially poetry and have put in a bunch of holds at the library, that I’m hoping to pick up today.

I’ve been going to the gym more consistently in these past two weeks and I’m hoping to continue that trend throughout august.

Overall, august has started off well and while I can’t think of a bunch of specific big events that I’m looking forward to, I’m just generally excited about making progress in big and small ways.

Your friend,